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"Leviathan is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in (English/Raw) language, Action series, english chapters have been translated and you can read them here. You are reading Leviathan chapters on www.Leviathanmanga.com, fastest updating comic site. The Summary is

The world is submerged, and sea monsters rule the earth. Will Bota and his family ever make it to safety, and escape this aquatic hell? …And who in the world is Kana?!"

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There are several great reasons to read manga online. First, it's cost-effective—you can often find free or cheaper versions compared to physical books. Plus, you get access to a huge selection of manga, far more than what any bookstore can offer. Online platforms also let you read the latest chapters as soon as they're released, so you’re always up to date. If you want convenience, variety, and savings, reading manga online is the way to go.